*** Please read the FULL description before purchasing ***
This A5-size Worry Log planner insert is a great way to get your worries out of your head and down on paper.
Worry and anxious feelings are the same as fight or flight responses when there are stressors or danger is about. The difference is worry and anxiety are when you feel or believe there's a potential threat or danger when there may be none.
A great way to combat these thoughts is to write them down in Worry Log. Schedule a time (a few hours before bed) to journal and block off time (for example 20 minutes) to acknowledge ALL of your worries and concerns, free of judgement.
To make this time productive, next to your worries, you can write down solutions or the next action step.
You will then see over time if you're worrying about the same thing over and over again and if there is no solution to it, you may have to practice acceptance or letting it go.
The Worry Log comes in 2 versions - one with a column for the next action/solution and the other just space to write down all your worries.
Check out this blog post here
A5 size dimensions are 14.8 x 21 cm or 148 x 210 mm or 5.8 x 8.3 inches.
PDFs available in:
A4 size paper
Letter size paper
A5 Pre-cut size paper
Each PDF file has printing instructions on what printer setting:
Paper Size
*** This listing is for a downloadable PDF; no physical product will be shipped. After you make your purchase, you will receive an email confirmation about your order containing the PDF links for you to download. ***
PDF and zip file readers are required to open the file.
Best to print from your desktop rather than on a device or mobile phone.
Different printers will have different settings.
This PDF printable download is for personal use only. Please do not share, resell or redistribute.
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©️ MarianeCresp 2023